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 Pari shōkōgun



Pari shōkōgun

Feathers and Greed




Feathers and Greed's second foray into the world of psychedelic art rock, "Pari shōkōgun," is an auditory delight for the patient listener with a discerning ear. The album transcends the typical pitfalls of its genre by marrying melody with innovation, ensuring each track remains engaging and far from predictable. Spanning 8 tracks and lasting a concise 42 minutes, it manages to convey its complex themes without overstaying its welcome.

The sound quality of "Pari shōkōgun" is impeccable, setting it apart in a digital age often plagued by over-compression and audio shortcuts. The drums and instruments retain their natural dynamics, allowing each element of the mix to breathe and shine through. This album exemplifies the power of high-fidelity recording and mixing; it's a sonic treat best appreciated on a quality sound system or through high-grade headphones, which reveal the intricacy and depth of the soundscapes Feathers and Greed have crafted.

Feathers and Greed

...This technique (the genius of Pink Floyd, IMHO), is hard to pull off for many psychedelic/art bands, who don’t get the balance just right, either waiting too long to deliver, or make their move too soon. Feathers and Greed nail it with every track on “Pari shōkōgun."

One of the most compelling aspects of this album is its ability to lull listeners with serene intros, only to captivate them moments later with unexpected intensity. This technique (the genius of Pink Floyd, IMHO), is hard to pull off for many psychedelic/art bands, who don’t get the balance just right, either waiting too long to deliver, or make their move too soon. Feathers and Greed nail it with every track on “Pari shōkōgun." It is this blend of tranquility and surprise that keeps the album exciting and fresh upon each listen.

"Pari shōkōgun" by Feathers and Greed emerges as a rich, acoustic journey. It is a creation that challenges and soothes, making it a perfect companion for those who seek music that sounds great and stirs the mind. With its superb fidelity, this album is a beacon for audio purists and music enthusiasts alike, providing a clear window into the passionate, contrasting world of Feathers and Greed. The band has indeed sculpted a space where "aggressive pacifists who like to eat glass with their salads" can find solace and stimulation in equal measure.

Tune in to Prog Radio to enjoy tracks from this wonderful record in our New Music rotation, as well as in Monday’s and Tuesday’s “What’s New Proggy Cats?” show next week.

4.5 Stars!

Release Date:
Run Time:
Mar 1, 2024
42 min
Galaxies II • Nine • Hidden Interest • To Be Honest
Kevin Carmony
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