Album Review
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A rock musical and 10th studio album by the Dutch progressive rock/metal band Ayreon. As usal with Ayreon, this double album features a plethora of musicians and singers. The production began in 2017, with the intention to create a movie. As the COVID-19 pandemic started, the complexities of a movie production lead to a 25-page comic book instead. The narration is very well done, but is a little overwhelming on repeat listens, since it's on pretty much every one of the 27 songs. (They should offer a bonus set without the narration for subsequent listens.) The gothic horror theme is fun and different but it tamps down on the proggyness and turns it a little too much into a campy musical instead of a great prog album. The high point is the switch-around reprisal in Your Story Is Over! I’m sure this work could be interesting performed live, but as a stand-alone prog album, it will wear after a few listens. 3 Stars.