Submit Music to Prog Radio
Are you a Prog band or artist looking to have your music featured on Prog Radio? Perhaps you'd like us to review your new or upcoming album? Or, do you have a recommendation for a band or artist you believe fits our station? If so, drop us an email at submissions@progradio.com. Please keep the following guidelines in mind when submitting:
Check Our Charts
Before submitting, ensure the band or artist's music isn't already featured on Prog Radio by checking our Charts. Use the Search feature on our site for a quick lookup.
Understand Our Music Criteria
We champion the 'melodic and accessible' facets of progressive rock. Please avoid submissions that lean heavily towards extreme metal, harsh/growl vocals, experimental, or avant-garde genres. We prioritize artists with at least one full-length studio album, either already released or upcoming.
Submission Checklist:
When sending in a submission, ensure you include as many of the following as possible:
EPK: If available, provide an Electronic Press Kit.
The Music: Offer a means to stream or download the music for review and potential airplay. We can use any format (WAV, MP3, FLAC, AAC, OGG, WMA, etc.), but the higher the quality, the better, since Prog Radio streams at 320kbps.
Suggested Tracks: Pointing us to two or three standout tracks for us to listen to first can be helpful.
IMPORTANT: If you're sending us music for an upcoming release, ensure you provide the release date and your track release schedule. Without this, we will hold off until the official release date to air your music. If you have pre-release tracks or if early airplay is acceptable, let us know.
Helpful links:
Band's website, Bandcamp page, SoundCloud page, etc.
Band's page on streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music
Social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc.)
Other references (e.g., Wikipedia, ProgArchives).
Bio: If not available through the above links, provide the band's nationality, background, discography, etc.
We get a lot of submissions, so your best chance of us noticing your submission is to follow the above guidelines closely.
​What Happens Next?
Due to the volume of submissions we receive, we might not be able to respond to every one of them. However, rest assured, we commit to listening to every artist submitted.
​Promote Your Music
Once your music is featured on Prog Radio, visit our Artist Promotions page for several free ways to promote your music to our thousands of listeners.
Contact Us
Still have questions? Don't hesitate to reach out to us via email.