Become a Prog Radio Supporter
Thank you for considering becoming a subscribing Prog Radio Supporter! Your subscription fee helps cover our streaming bandwidth costs and music licensing fees, ensuring that all the songwriters, artists, and record labels get compensated for their work. It's supporters like you that enable us to play the best progressive music without the interruptions of advertisements. Subscription fees go 100% to licensing and bandwidth costs, and NEVER to any other expenses such as payroll, since all our "employees" are unpaid volunteers.
Exclusive Benefits for Supporters:
✓ Make Song Requests
✓ Access to Prog Radio Forum
✓ Like/Dislike Song Report
✓ No Ads in App or Website
✓ Support Artists by Helping Prog Radio cover Licensing Costs
✓ And more...
From all of us at Prog Radio, thank you for your support and dedication to progressive music. Together, we can keep this unique and ad-free experience alive for all to enjoy.